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Jordan was a contestant who has appeared on Season 4All-Stars, & Heroes vs. Villains.

Season 4

Voting History

Jordan's Voting History
Episode Jordan's
Voted Against
1 Angelo Tribe Immune
2 Angelo Tribe Immune
Angelo Tribe Immune
3 Angelo Tribe Immune
4 Angelo Tribe Immune
5 Angelo Tribe Immune
6 Kim
7 Amy
8 Olivia Olivia
9 Angelo Tribe Immune
10 Bill
11 Brendan
12 Marrisa
13 Megan Allison, Ken, Lisa,
Megan, Mike, Tina
Voted out, Day 33
Voted for
Sole Survivor


Voting History

Jordan's Voting History
Episode Jordan's
Voted Against
1 Stephen
2 Ken
3 Hollins Tribe Immune
4 Anthony
5 Danny
6 Alex
7 Hollins Tribe Immune
8 Jamie Bobby, Brooke, Hannah,
Jamie, Sammi
Voted out, Day 21

Heroes vs. Villains

Voting History

Jordan's Voting History
Episode Jordan's
Voted Against
1 Villains Tribe Immune
2 Villains Tribe Immune
3 Villains Tribe Immune
4 Brooke
5 Villains Tribe Immune
6 Villains Tribe Immune
7 Victoria
8 Alex
9 Joey L.
10 Ryan Brian, Casey, Joey T.,
Lexi, Sammi
Voted out, Day 24
Voted for
Sole Survivor


  • Over his 3 seasons he has played a total of 78 days.
  • In the first two of his seasons there was at least one tribe switch, but he stayed on his original tribe in both seasons.
    • In season 4, he was one of two people to stay on their original tribe through both tribe switches.
      • Out of those two, he is the only one to make the merge.